March 13, 2019

Configure Rich History in Oracle Blockchain Platform


Connecting Oracle Autonomous Transactional Process (ATP) as a Rich History Database in Oracle Blockchain Platform is very easy. It takes just a few configuration steps. Let's see, how to do the configuration.
  • Get the ATP connection details. For this, log in to ATP service console
  • Download wallet package file and copy the TNS name for the connection string to be used
  • Open blockchain instance console
  • As shown in the below figure, click on "Configure Rich History tab"

  • Below window will be opened. Fill the information like username, password of rich history database, paste the copied TNS name in the "Connection String" field, upload the saved wallet file and then click on save

  • Now the ATP has been configured as rich history database to Oracle blockchain. 
  • Go to channels and click on the channel's settings to which the rich history has to be configured and select "Configure Rich History"
  • Below window will open. Check the box to enable rich history for the channel

  • From now on, all the transactions of the channel will be sync with the ATP database automatically
  • At least one transaction has to be done in blockchain to initiate this sync process
  • You can observe three tables created in ATP as shown below and each table name is prefixed with the blockchain instance name_channel name. For example, if the instance name is "dealer" and the channel name is "dealerchannel" then, the tables created are 
    • dealer_dealerchannel_hist
    • dealer_dealerchannel_last
    • dealer_dealerchannel_state

  •  Below image shows the structure of each table created

#autonomous #blockchain #oracleblockchain

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