June 18, 2019

Oracle blockchain error: chaincode fingerprint mismatch data mismatch


There are two Organizations (one is the founder and the other is a participant) in a channel (channel name is team1)  in Oracle blockchain network. A chaincode (chain code name is "oow") is deployed and instantiated with version v1 in the founder. A line in the chaincode is changed and deployed the code in the participant with the same version v1. While executing the REST endpoints, below error occurred as Oracle blockchain tries to match the code and their versions in all the peers of the channel and the chaincode are not matching in the peers. Solution for this is to deploy the chaincode with the new version on all the organizations.

    "returnCode": "Failure",
    "info": {
        "proxyError": "Proposal not pass",
        "peerErrors": [
                "peerId": "prodhonestpeer1",
                "errMsg": "Sending proposal to prodhonestpeer1 failed because of: gRPC failure=Status{code=UNKNOWN, description=error executing chaincode: could not get ChaincodeDeploymentSpec for oow:v1.2: get ChaincodeDeploymentSpec for oow/team1 from LSCC error: chaincode fingerprint mismatch data mismatch, cause=null}",
                "verified": false
                "peerId": "prodhonestpeer0",
                "errMsg": "Sending proposal to prodhonestpeer0 failed because of: gRPC failure=Status{code=UNKNOWN, description=error executing chaincode: could not get ChaincodeDeploymentSpec for oow:v1.2: get ChaincodeDeploymentSpec for oow/team1 from LSCC error: chaincode fingerprint mismatch data mismatch, cause=null}",
                "verified": false
    "txid": "973a7518438bf9c62db240ea41dce88ef78854caa20"

#OBP #OracleBlockchain #Blockchain

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